Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Medical Cannabis Product Review - S.A.G.E. Flowers From Trill Alternatives

Well I hope you all had a great Halloween/Samhain!

It has been a rather wild ride over the last two weeks (or however long its been since I posted last).

During that time I went to two different social events, discovered severe intolerances to at least one member of the nightshade family (potatoes, boo!), and unfortunately, a dear friend of mine broke his back (the night before Halloween - lame). This is a lot to happen in a short amount of time considering I'm homebound without a running car, and thus haven't gotten out of the house much over the last year.

Luckily my friend should be mended up in a few months time or so. He broke his back "in the best way possible"; i.e. got really, really lucky *whew*. Horrible accidents like that always remind me what I take for granted. Its hard to stay focused on gratitude, when you are fighting so hard everyday to get through the basics and keep your mind and body from falling apart anymore than it already has. Its maddening when people complain about/take things for granted I would do unspeakable things to be able to do again...when I'm struggling with things like chronic pain, fatigue, and this cursed this light sensitivity (oh how I despise my UV intolerance).

But then I realize I can still do numerous things that many people wish they could do, like walk, and see, and hear, and have sex, and make decisions for myself. I may be hobbling around on a cane because I danced for a few hours over 7 days ago, but at least I can still dance sometimes! And I can still write! I gotta stop taking my gifts for granted. I may not be well enough to do much, but I truly believe if I stay focused and work hard, I can "write my way out of this". Speaking of, I must say thank you for the ever increasing support this blog and my medical fundraiser are receiving! The interest in my work means more than words can express, and the financial support helps me to make rent, eat clean, and maintain my ever-so-pertinent collection of supplements.

Since creativity has been a bit tough for me with my inflammation and what not, I've started focusing on old writing and works that I have never published before (those will be coming soon, I'm pretty excited!), and new works that I never before considered, like writing Medical Cannabis reviews.

As a SoCal native who has been using cannabis products since long before "medical" came about, along with being a former employee of the Colorado Medical Cannabis industry, and a current Medical Cannabis patient with a legit debilitating condition, I feel that I can provide unique and constructive feedback to the Medical Cannabis industry. I look forward to giving back by helping it continue to evolve and grow in ways that will ensure patients always come first.

Here is a review of the strain "S.A.G.E." from a dispensary I have been going to for over a year now, Trill Alternatives in Boulder. They are one of the few dispensaries I feel I can trust to supply me with solid genetics that are grown in clean and loving environments. I hope you find my reviews enlightening and entertaining!

-Here's the link to the testimonials section on Trill's website, where this review is posted:

And the review itself:

 Date: August 31st, 2013
Source: member of Trill Alternatives


T.H.Seeds - Unknown Haze (Mexico x Columbia x Thailand x India) x Unknown Afghani
In my experience, SAGE grows like a Sativa (bigger nugs, long & skinny leaves), but these flowers look more Indica in growth pattern (“pine tree” shape).
The flowers are well cured, with an impressive trichome and pistil content. They are a lovely soft green in color, covered in a fuzzy blanket of frosty crystals and vibrant orange hairs.
Very pretty – Good “Jar” Appeal
Upon a more thorough inspection, I did find some signs of stress – What I call “Hard Spots” – Parts of the flower that tried to seed out but didn’t and form small pockets of harder than average material. Usually formed by some sort of stress in their growth environment. These don’t shock me, as putting the plants into the extreme sensimilla state that we do in the grows is in itself a stress, and its been ridiculously hot, another major stress. It’s not something that an Average Joe would even notice, and generally doesn’t affect overall potency or smoke quality.
Piney, Sandalwood, followed by Sweet Citrus, with a bit of Diesel on the end.
Sorta reminds me of the actual plant, Sage. Makes me think of hiking thru the California High Desert Forest after a rainfall (lots of shrubs and wild sage everywhere, with the occasional stunted tree – somehow this qualifies it as a ‘forest’ haha).
Lovely turpenes that have been well preserved in the curing process.
(Vaporizer) – Mild, creamy citrus, followed by diesel, finishes with a sweet hint of vanilla.
(Bong) – Mild, creamy citrus, finishes with diesel.
(Pipe) – Sweet citrus, followed by smoky diesel.
Pronounced without being too overwhelming.
Very palatable and tastes cleanly grown, no “detergent” or chemical aftertastes.
Recently I’ve had major insomnia at night and hypersomnia during the day, so my sleeping patterns have been all screwy. Also, I’ve been battling severe eye & head pain/inflammation, so I’m very “slow” lately and very sick – dizzy, nauseas, lots of GI issues. Starting the day off with SAGE is always a pleasure, especially when you’re dizzy, nauseous, or stiff/sore…and I’m all three this morning. I pack my VaporBrothers vaporizer and smoke a bong load while waiting for it to preheat. I feel immediate relief from the cool, thick smoke, but my symptoms are no walk in the park, so I start puffing on the vapor bowl. It lasts forever! Over a dozen hits. This is always a sign of good quality herb, the less potent flowers tend to not last as long in the vaporizer. Since I’m writing a detailed review of this strain, I pack a bowl in my glass pipe as well, but only need to take a few hits to get some final notes on taste before setting it down. I feel alleviated of my symptoms, but am mentally sharp... in fact, more so than before I smoked – similar in personality to the Flo strain. They don’t call it Sativa Afghani Equilibrium for nothing!! I remember now why I fell in love with SAGE when I first encountered her last year. And since my symptoms are more severe today than they were at that time, I find this strain more valuable than ever. It’s perfect for when you’re just waking up and trying to get over feeling like Death so you can maybe get the dishes done and Skype your Momma. This is a wonderful representation of the SAGE Hybrid!
Recommended Applications:
Headaches, Eye Pain/Inflammation/Glaucoma, GI issues, Dizziness, Nausea, Appetite Stimulation, Mild to Moderate Pain/Inflammation, Mood (Anxiety, Depression, Aiding Creativity, Stimulating Conversation in Social Settings)
-Due to its stimulatory properties, SAGE is not recommended for insomnia, and those with Anxiety should probably first use it in a private setting to monitor its effects just in case it exacerbates the problem rather than alleviate it. Also, I’ve found it’s not as effective as a more Indica dominant strain for Moderate to Extreme Pain/Inflammation (primarily in those patients with higher tolerances).

Thank you for reading!
I firmly believe in and know firsthand the powers of plant medicine, herbalism, and holistic health, and hope some of my writing helps spread knowledge of safe applications and more widespread support of these healing methods. 

I don't know how I would get through each day without cannabis, ginger, tumeric, kratom, cat's claw, devils' claw, damiana, leafy greens, and too many others to list here!
I look forward to examining these and many other plants and herbs in the future.
What are your favorite cannabis strains/products and/or plant allies in your struggle with chronic illness?

Love and Light :)

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