Monday, November 18, 2013

Patient Review: RiverRock Wellness Raw Cannabis Juice

This last week has been pretty rough on me physically. I have had severe reactions to the 3 foods I re-introduced to my Elimination Diet during that time, and one of the reactions is still clinging to me very strong. Foods can effect us in all different ways, ways you wouldn't normally expect. Over the last week I've dealt with re-triggerings of some of my more troubling symptoms, including severe inflammation, cognitive dysfunction (memory problems, issues communicating), and sleep disorders. Something I ate yesterday caused a severe hyperactive state, and thus, I haven't yet slept. Its 8:22AM and I may be finally winding down and getting ready to crawl into bed. When I'm in the state I've been in for the last week, its almost impossible for me to write or be productive. My brain and body are so fried that just getting through the basics of the day are a great feat of will. Throw in the fact that I'm a perfectionist and a procrastinator and well, you have one hot mess on your hands!
That being said, today's post is something I worked on week before last. I will have more new work and research up here as my flare-up chills out over the next week. For now, please enjoy a review I put together on a product I would love to make myself, but don't have the space to grow the plants necessary, nor the money for the grow or a juicer. I have read extensively on the benefits of juicing cannabis, so I got really excited when I learned about this product!

*Note: I am an independent, third party patient, reviewing new products that come into the dispensary I have designated as my Primary Care Center. They highly value constructive feedback from a patient who has a genuine debilitating condition, as well as previous experience in the industry. I hope my unique and candid insights help the Medical Cannabis Industry continue to evolve in ways that always keep patient needs first.

Product Review – RiverRock Wellness “Raw Cannabis Juice” (1.75 oz, Mixed CBD/THC)

Dark Green, almost black. Darker than wheat grass but otherwise identical in appearance. Comes frozen. Prob best to thaw in fridge overnight if you want to “shoot” it in the morning, which is ideal. Could also be added to a “green drink” without having to thaw first. Comes in a terrible plastic container, like what you would get a side of ranch in - it is almost impossible to open and use without dribbling some of the thin juice on your coffee table and/or fingers in the process.  (see photos)

Pretty much the same as wheat grass. Very concentrated, “grassy/leafy/green plant” taste - not for the faint of heart as a straight shooter. Would definitely be more palatable in a green drink, or with some fresh lemon or grapefruit juice. Tastes fine, or even welcoming, if you are used to wheat grass, green drinks, and such.

Doesn’t smell like much of anything. Perhaps a faint whiff of “fresh grass” or “leaves”.

Current Primary Patient Concerns/Symptoms:
Woke up in good spirits because I am supposed to go to a show for the first time in over a year with some good friends, but I am apprehensive as well because my inflammation has been really hard to control over the last few weeks, and I’ve been having issues with chronic blood pressure, so I keep getting dizzy and heart palpitations. I am also feeling fatigued, dizzy, have really bad “brain fog”, am sore and achy all over, especially in my hips, hands, neck, and back, and to top it all off, I am having mild cramps due to ovulation. So my pain is around a Level 4 at the time of taking this juice. I am hoping it will remove some of this pain and inflammation and help keep me dancing for at least a few hours before my joints give out on me. I’m very excited to try this product because I have read about the benefits of juicing cannabis for the treatment of chronic inflammation, but not yet had the opportunity to try it for myself.

About ten minutes after shooting the juice straight up on an empty stomach, and managing to keep from losing half of the product upon opening the poorly chosen container, I feel a slight rush of energy move through my body from the head down. I feel a wave of clarity come over me, like the “fog” is literally lifting from my mind, and my body feels like its relaxing. The energy has a warmth to it. Its almost identical to a high quality raw wheat grass shot, but with a bigger personality. This product does not “get you high”, but it does get you going! I feel inspired to soak in a much needed warm bath and do goddess things before my big night out with the girls.
About 30 minutes after shooting the juice, I am pleased with the results. My head feels really good, all the vertigo and dizziness I was struggling with earlier is gone, my sore and inflamed body is now relaxed, yet my mind is sharp and focused. Plus, it is gentle on the stomach, which is very important for those of us with compromised guts. I feel ready to eat and take on my day, and night!

Suggested Applications:
It’s a great base to the other cannabis products I use throughout the day to manage my debilitating symptoms. I highly suggest it for anyone who suffers from chronic pain or inflammation. If you are already juicing or making “green drinks” (which you should be!), then its an easy way to add the benefits of ingesting raw cannabis to your daily diet. Its best if taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and then waiting around 30 minutes before eating anything. Salud!

The only way that River Rock could improve their Raw Cannabis Juice, in this patient’s humble opinion, is to put the product in better containers! These plastic condiment containers are killing me. After they are empty of juice, there is still this lovely green residue stuck to the sides that I am sure is full of healing goodness, but its very difficult to get off and makes me feel like I’m not getting all my healing goodness. 

I’m wondering, if the containers were of a different material, if not so much of said goodness would stick to them. Also, I have random green dribbles all over my counter because of their shoddy design, and my house elf was given a sock by some punk kid with a scar on his forehead, so who is supposed to clean this mess up? ;)

Otherwise, in all seriousness, an excellent supplement that I see as potentially beneficial to many people, especially those with chronic illness, pain, and/or inflammation - so long as the base product and manufacturing process used is of clean and high quality, which so far I see no reason to question. 
Kudos, RiverRock Wellness. Kudos.

Many thanks to Trill Alternatives in Boulder for the sample!

What are some of your favorite Medical Cannabis products available in Colorado today?

Please, if you find any value from this blog, please consider making a donation to the PayPal link at the top right of the page. I don't create these posts expecting anything but to help/entertain others, but I am a disabled mechanic/artist who is not currently receiving SSI/SSDI and when I'm flared up it's hard if not impossible for me to get my hustle on. I'm also working on adding Bitcoin here! Many thanks for your support :) <3

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