Friday, November 8, 2013

Spoken Word - "Rising Curtains"

This is a piece that I originally performed many moons ago (circa 2004) at a lovely little theater known as Da Poetry Lounge, in Culver City, California. Sadly,I didn't have the foresight to get someone to record my time on the mic that night; I got a standing ovation in a room where I was one of the whitest females on the premises. Pretty flattering and humbling. But alas, even though everyone around me believed in my abilities, I didn't believe in myself. So I allowed my potential Spoken Word career to wither and die before it ever had a chance to grow. 
Now, over a decade later, I am revisiting my old works, and without any intent of being cocky, am impressed with what I'm digging up. I have decided to record whichever of these labors of love demand to be heard aloud, not solely within the confined silence of the reader's mind. Perhaps this process will re-alight the inner flame.

Some emcees choose their pseudonyms, others are given them as nicknames. When I was writing in the early 2000's, I was nicknamed "NadaClue". Those days were all about excess; partying, raving, pushing everything possible, including my own body and mind, to the limit.
Those days, and the bright eyed, kandy kid that hailed them, are long gone.

If I'm gonna be an emcee, let me be known as "Phoenix".

From the ashes I rise anew to sing you my song...

"I strive to own the microphone
like it was sewn
into my hand
i thrive off  the thrill of lyricism
and i demand that i stand tall & proud
i imagine rocking a crowd
& shocking thousands of eardrums
with excessively loud
whispering, talking spirits from the streets
lingering in your head
long after you crawl under your sheets
night creeps upon the world
it seeps into bedrooms & attics
if your mind is not unfurled
it will swirl into a panic
i pity those who remain curled 'round fear
their ears hear static
in the end they only lead lives that are problematic
i can't stand it
the apathy people try to throw at me
i just blow them off & try not to take 'em seriously
'cuz most people fake it when it comes to personalities
& i don't take it when they try to feed me falsities
i travel these dreams of contradicting schemes
eventually they unravel at the seams
reality teams with life like an ocean
it glimmers & gleams with strife
ever in motion
control emotion
or it will bring you under the surface
& the notion of drowning doesn't serve my purpose
so, instead of frowning when i fall
i'll pretend it was on purpose
& laugh at it all
as i imagine greeting rising curtains"

Thank you for watching/reading!
Hope it brought some joy to your life.
*Love & Light*

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