As we enter the joyful chaos of this Holiday
Season, we find ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of social events: eating, shopping,
eating, gifting, eating, and traveling (and did I mention eating??).
This 45 day crunch of consumerism and partying can
wreak havoc on the body’s defenses, making us more prone to catching the season’s
flus, colds, and other bugs that threaten to dampen our merrymaking. There is
nothing worse than being too sick to enjoy festivities that you have been looking
forward to all year!
So how does one survive this onslaught with enough
vitality left-over to enjoy the ride all the way through midnight on December
31st , and beyond into the New Year? Especially when you are at a
slight disadvantage from having a chronic illness or compromised immune system?
Most health sources quote the same usual remedies:
Vitamin C, Echinacea, Elderberry, Garlic, Homemade Chicken Soup, Lots of Fluids, Lots
of Rest, Tea, Zinc, Peppers, Local Raw Honey…the aids we have come to know
and love when we aren’t feeling our best. But the
majority of these treatments aren’t as effective once sickness has kicked in
full force. They certainly help with the symptoms, sure, but what do you do when
The Plague is going around the office and you wake up with what you know are
the initial signs of impending doom? How do you stop that freight train?
I have dealt with chronically swollen lymph node
glands in my face and neck, along with upper respiratory, sinus, and ear
infections, ever since the ripe 'ole age of two years. My poor parents did
everything 1980’s conventional medicine advised them at that time; I was on
such heavy doses of antibiotics for so long they had to monitor my blood on a monthly basis to make sure the meds weren’t affecting my body in any adverse ways.
The infections were so chronic I was eventually scheduled to get a tube in at
least one of my ears, but a turn of life events in the family caused a lapse in
our health insurance and so thankfully I was spared that potentially
detrimental procedure. I continued to have chronic upper respiratory issues,
including bi-annual Strep and bacterial infections, until I started aggressively adjusting
my diet and lifestyle in 2009. During my lifetime, I have built up a tolerance
or had an allergic reaction to just about every antibiotic and sinus med known
to modern science.
In short, I know a thing or two from firsthand
experience about managing the health of the ears, throat, nose, and lungs. And
then there’s the whole immune system thing. I have been studying that too,
since mine is pretty screwed. Am I a
doctor? No. So don’t be brash, if you have some sort of pre-existing condition
etc. you should always talk to your doctor first before trying something new.
But, I am
someone who can tell you what has worked for me, and anyone I know who has tried
it. Most recently I got to try these cold remedies on my boyfriend, who is
not only my caregiver, but also works full-time in customer service at a
grocery store. Needless to say, he has been a bit worn out from all the Holiday
Crazies that emerge like a long-dormant locust invasion during this time of
year (you know who you are! For shame!).
He started feeling unwell on Sunday, and
by Monday was feeling fatigued along with a tell-tale “tickle” in his throat.
The sort of throat “tickle” that usually becomes a painful, sore mess which
makes swallowing feel like the worst torture, and right before Thanksgiving!
Nooooo! My hard-working sweetheart was not going to be sick on our beloved and
well-planned Turkey Day! Not if I had anything to do with it. He diligently
followed my suggested regiment and by Wednesday was feeling loads better! My boyfriend was so impressed with the results he suggested I share my regiment with The
So, dear World,
I share with you the four holistic aids I have found most useful for staving off infections, colds, and managing upper
respiratory issues. They are inexpensive and easily accessible, in fact, you probably have one or two sitting in your kitchen
pantry right now. I hope they serve you as well as they have aided my household,
especially during this hectic time of the year.
Today I would like to discuss Mullein, an herb whose useful properties aren’t widely known outside
of the wonderful world of Herbalism. The ironic thing is that we have probably
all seen it at one time or another and regarded it as “just a weed”, rather
than recognizing it for the versatile Plant Medicine that it is.
Verbascum thapsus
, known as Common Mullein or Great Mullein, is a flowering weed that
is usually found in open spaces where the ground has been disturbed. It is prolific and grows all over the continental US and beyond into Canada and Mexico. Since most
Americans don’t have access to meadows, streams, fields, or forest openings,
the majority of us have spied Mullein’s distinctive towering spikes of bright
yellow flowers growing in ditches along roadways or scattered throughout the
open wastes of dumps.
![]() |
Picture from Wikipedia, its too cold where I am to get any of my own shots of Mullein growing |
All parts of the plant have been used for medical
applications since time immemorial. Mullein is primarily used to manage afflictions
of the ears, especially infections, and it is also used as an expectorant, to alleviate
swelling, mange the health of the lymphatic system, and treat spinal injuries. It is most commonly used as a tincture, but is also drunk as tea and even smoked.
was first recommended to me by my Dad, who has Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome,
which we suspected I also had until it was ruled out by a VKH specialist earlier this year. Before he said anything to me about it, I was totally unfamiliar with the plant. My Dad and I share many of the same symptoms, including tinnitus,
hearing sensitivities, and “feelings of fullness and itchiness” in the ears,
and to my pleasant surprise I have found Mullein does an excellent job of alleviating these
The very first time I used Mullein I was
desperate. Earlier this year, while managing a flare in my inflammation, I woke up with the unmistakable sensation of full blown Strep
Throat. My throat hurt so badly it felt like it was on fire, I sounded like I
had swallowed a frog, the lymph nodes on my face and neck were swelling up, and
my ears hurt and felt as though they were full of cotton. I knew I was in deep trouble, and wasn’t sure
how to proceed. Even if I had easy access to transportation and wasn’t homebound
from my light sensitivity, I would have still been hesitant to hop on over to a
doctor’s office for what would more than likely have been a prescription for
antibiotics. Not only do antibiotics take anywhere from 24 hours to a few days
to start working (not an appealing thought when you’re in Strep Throat pain), I’m
allergic to pretty much all of them, the rest can trigger a flare-up in certain
autoimmune diseases so I avoid them as much as possible, and nowadays I’m far more hesitant to drop the medical equivalent
of a nuclear bomb on my Gut.
So that leaves me with very little options via
Western Medicine. What’s a Strep-Throaty girl to do?
Quite fortuitously, I came down with the Throat
Affliction from Hades during the very same time I was performing preliminary research
on Mullein for treating the afore-mentioned Tinnitus, hearing sensitivities,
and other ear issues I’ve been dealing with during the onset of my autoimmune
disease (whatever it ends up being – it’s looking like Lupus or Mixed
Connective Tissue Disease but I’m still undiagnosed at this time).
reading about the plant’s supposed powerful effects on ear infections, my
boyfriend came to my rescue for the zillionth time and brought a bottle of
Mullein Leaf Tincture home from work that afternoon. I had been in pain for several
hours, unable to eat anything not in liquid form or smoke any of my medical
cannabis. Even the simple act of swallowing caused excruciating pain. I was not
a happy camper, to say the least.
After reading the bottle and doing some third
party research, I put the maximum suggested dose of two droppers of tincture
into a small cup of water and drank deeply, making myself swish each gulp
around in my mouth for a few seconds before swallowing - so as to help my lymph
node glands absorb it more readily. The tincture looks a lot scarier than it
tastes; having a very dark brown, basically black color, but mild earthy taste
that is easily masked by whatever liquid you choose to put it in.
I felt relief immediately. It was like a cool hand had massaged my throat/ears/glands
and relaxed them.
This result has since been repeated in others, most recently my
boyfriend. My research had shown Mullein is highly noted for the instant relief it can provide to swellings
and the pain caused by them. How wonderful to see it working in real time!
After a few
days of using the Mullein tincture as directed on the bottle, along with the
other three aids I will be discussing in the rest of this series, my Strep
Throat and any signs of ear or lymphatic infection were completely alleviated!
I felt like singing my praises from the rooftops! And then I did my “Suck It,
Big Pharma” dance! How I wish my folks had access to information in the 80's like we do
today with the Internet. This herb could have made my childhood far more
I am in love with this versatile and humble “weed”
and strongly encourage you to conduct your own research so that you may see how
it could bring positive health benefits into your own home (or workplace). I no longer
consider my medicine cabinet complete without a bottle of Mullein tincture, and
look forward to growing my own or wild harvesting it someday (from the wild - not from near a trash heap!) so I don’t have to
keep buying it. But, at less than $20 a bottle, and around 30 servings per
container, I have zero complaints about cost (Can’t find it in your local
stores or have a difficult time leaving the house like I do? Amazon has Mullein, along with a bunch of other holistic stuff!). And its ridiculously safe, although the bottle does
say to avoid “while pregnant or breastfeeding”. Not sure what that’s about.
Merits more research, but since I don’t plan on spawning anytime soon (*knocks
on wood*) I haven’t taken the time to look into it.
If you do and find anything of interest, please share your findings
with me!
Here are three
really good websites for getting started on your own Mullein research:
I do hope you find this information enlightening
and empowering!
What are some of your favorite remedies for treating
throat or ear infections?
Stay tuned for the rest of my Tips for Surviving the Holidays in Good Health!
*Love &
-Renata Carmen
Please, if you find any value from this blog, please consider making a donation to the PayPal link at the top right of the page. I don't create these posts expecting anything but to help/entertain others, but I am a disabled mechanic/artist who is not currently receiving SSI/SSDI and when I'm flared up it's hard if not impossible for me to get my hustle on. I'm also working on adding Bitcoin here! :)
Please, if you find any value from this blog, please consider making a donation to the PayPal link at the top right of the page. I don't create these posts expecting anything but to help/entertain others, but I am a disabled mechanic/artist who is not currently receiving SSI/SSDI and when I'm flared up it's hard if not impossible for me to get my hustle on. I'm also working on adding Bitcoin here! :)
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