Originally written on a scrap of paper coming down off of gawd-knows-what, back when I was getting deep into the SoCal Rave Scene.
A beautiful piece of teenage rebellion against conformity.
let me melt into the carpet
A beautiful piece of teenage rebellion against conformity.
let me melt into the carpet
and seep into the floor
scrape me off the ceiling
and make me whole once more
untangle me from these spider webs
i so lazily spun myself
set me daintily on a cloud
so i can float through life with stealth
toy with my hair
feed bittersweet thoughts into my ear
take me far from this place
because im sick of being here
don’t let them transform me
into the fraud they think i should be
i’ll keep rebelling against the system
til i die or lose my sanity
if i can hold myself together
then i’ll stay strong
if i keep my mind open
i can never be too wrong
let me continue to be a shock
as long as i have energy
let me walk tall
while being the individual
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