Some very exciting things have been happening here in Renata Land!
First off, a huge shout-out, and massive thanks to The Speed Girls for featuring me on their website! It's a beautiful feature, and I am incredibly honored to be considered "The Real Deal" next to all those other badass women they have on there!
Second, I have a new, fancy, official website!
So, I will no longer be posting to this blog.
I will be keeping this site up until I have archived all the old material on here, but from now on, go to to check out future blog posts, and keep up with my myriad of projects and misadventures!
Thank you, faithful readers, for your continued support! It means the world to me and I'm just so excited for things to come :) :) :)
*Love & Light*
Renata Carmen
I Am Multitudes
"Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Renata's New Website, and New Feature on "The Speed Girls"! :-)
Chronic Badass,
Lady Mechanic,
Renata Carmen,
Renata Carmen Website,
The Speed Girls,
Friday, September 11, 2015
"Fourteen Years Later"
I awoke to the sounds of my father yelling. Groggy, confused, hungover, and bleary eyed, I glared over at the alarm clock to see what time it was. What the fuck? It wasn't even 10 am – then still considered a “quiet” part of the day, in a house full of night owls and partying teens at various stages in life. As the oldest of the three girls, I was really the primary partier in the household at the time, but everyone except my Mom had a tendency to sleep late unless work, school, or some other responsibility deemed otherwise. Little did my family suspect that we would all wind up living in this house together again several years down the line - this time as adults recovering from the crashing economy in 2007, all but myself married, and my two sisters both pregnant. Three couples and one stubbornly single person sharing a small house, it was crazy and awful and marvelous all at the same time. Funny how life works. None of us would have willingly chosen that lifestyle. But, when the boys were born, there was a village around to help out. There was almost always an adult around to help with my sisters with the newborns, who may as well be brothers since they are barely a month apart. You have no idea how hard it is to shower or take a shit when you have a baby and no one to keep an eye on it for that five minutes. And I don't even have kids of my own. Knocks on wood. Don't get me wrong, I like kids. I just prefer handing them back.
No, this was still 2001. Long before my baby sisters would be married and have children. A year, that for me, had marked testing out of high school early, because I was so fucking bored with the William S. Hart School District I was barely able to keep bringing myself to class. So rather than graduate late, or not at all, I took advantage of a program offered by the state of California, The California High School Proficiency Exam, or CHSPE for short, designed exactly for people like me. Thank Goddess. Otherwise, I would have been up and daydreaming away at my desk at Canyon High during this pivotal moment in history, instead of sleeping in as late as possible before my first college course of the day. My experience would have been drastically different had I been in class like most people my age. I think it would have been more traumatic, much harder on me, more dragged out. You now how awful high school is to begin with. I imagine classes around the world, huddled up around TV screens, watching together in horror at the scene unfolding before them, crying and consoling each other and the teacher trying to act a like a solid rock upon which the students could find support. As far as I understand it, many classes around the country shut down early that day.
I was totally clueless of the facts as I sleepily rolled over and pulled a pillow over my head, trying to catch a few more much needed Zzz's before heading off to community college. But to no avail. My Dad's exclamations only continued growing louder. I thought he was watching a Nascar race, the way he was carrying on in the next room. He is not really a sports guy, but boy does he love racing, especially Nascar. I am sure his lack of interest in sports involving inflatable balls confuses his fellow Mexican-Americans, but he was purposely whitewashed by his parents so he would acclimate better, and did wrestling in high school. He has no connection to football, or futbal, and I am so grateful for that. I find those sports boring, time consuming, and the fathers of the world who get into them to be generally less engaging with their kids. We went hiking on Sundays, or to the beach. We weren't enslaved to year around game schedules and stats.
But as my father's exclamations of “WOAH!”, “NO WAY!”, and “HOLY SHIT!” echoed down the hall from the living room, and through the poorly insulated french doors to my office-turned-bedroom, I felt no appreciation for his tastes or preferences. At that moment, all I wanted was sleep. Precious sleep. I was constantly sleep deprived and hungover from approximately 1998 to 2006.
Aggravated as only a moody teen can be, I pulled on a big t-shirt and some shorts, flung open one of the doors to my room, and stomped down the hall. My Dad's voice grew in volume and intensity as I approached. I had words of retribution burning on my tongue, Jesus Christ man, can't you be respectable and watch the race later, or at least be quiet while I'm still sleeping?!?
Then, I realized my Dad wasn't the only one in the room, and he was exclaiming in horror, not shouting enthusiastically. All eyes were riveted to the old school style tube television in our living room, California sunshine streaming in behind it, creating an eerie contrast to the feed coming in on the screen. All thought, all previous anger and feelings I'd had, evaporated like morning dew in the hot desert sun.
I didn't know what I was looking at. I was so confused. Instead of cars driving in circles, the screen was focused in on some skyscrapers in a city. I didn't know which one it was, but I could tell from the skyline that it wasn't L.A. I wish I could remember more details about this moment, who else was there or exactly what was said. But my memory of the details are very poor. I want to say my whole family was there, but I don't think that is accurate. I feel like one or two of us were elsewhere. I will have to ask around and find out.
As the sleepy fog rapidly cleared from my head and I focused in on the TV better, I noticed that the camera was zoomed in on a specific set of skyscrapers, and that one of them had smoke billowing out of it from an upper floor. “What the...?” Came out of my mouth. It felt dry and my body felt numb. I can't remember who told me what was going on, I think it was my Dad. What do you mean, a plane hit one of the Twin Towers? Was it a horrible accident or something? No one really knew what was happening or why, and I felt even more confused. I sat down on the couch next to him. And then the second plan hit the tower. It was so surreal. I felt like I was watching a movie. There's no way this can actually be happening right now in our own New York City! But it was. The reality of the situation hit full force when we saw tiny figures throwing themselves from the Towers to escape the flames and destruction. Holy shit, those are people! People who got up and went to work, just like anyone else. Plugging away at their computers, making phone calls, worrying about getting that TPS report done on time. The last fucking thing you'd be thinking about is if some crazy assholes are going to be flying 747's into your building and you'd be faced with death in a most brutal form.
We didn't know what to say. My Dad grew silent. We just sat there and watched 9/11 unfold, like the rest of the nation. Horrified, shocked, surprised, confused. Why would this happen? How could it happen?
14 years later, and we are still struggling to answer these questions. There are too many layers to it for anyone to fully unravel. Violence and destruction are never excusable, no one should ever have to worry about dieing a fiery death on the job, unless you're a firefighter or something like that. Certainly not as a Paper Pusher.
But have we learned anything? Did anything change? Or did we just react, respond, get lost in a sea of justified anger and patriotism, and carry on with the Military Industrial Complex as usual? Did we try to figure out why people would feel compelled to do what they did on that day, to perform such great acts of horror? To what were they trying to draw our attention, and did we stop to notice? How much longer will America “walk softly and carry a big stick”? When will we realize we don't walk softly at all, that our steps make massive impacts on the rest of the globe? That in order for us to be able to live the American way, to buy cheap electronics and clothes and shoes and sheets and towels and diamonds and medications and everything else we consume, that countless people suffer for it?
Think about it. Where are your clothes and shoes that you're wearing right now made? How were the raw materials used to produce those goods harvested and processed? Don't you wonder why more products aren't made in the USA by US citizens? Don't you wonder why we have military bases in practically every country on the planet?
I will never, ever, suggest that the horrors of 9/11 were justified.
I just wish we would learn to respond more and react less. I think that, slowly, people are starting to question our insatiable need for war and cheap, imported goods. The internet is making all sorts of progress and revolutions possible.
But I still wonder how much we have actually learned. When you listen to the delegates for the upcoming presidential election speak, it is easy to lose faith. They sound like the worst batch of talking heads ever produced by the electoral process, on all sides. I'm considering burning my ballot this year. I seriously think that would be a better use of time, energy, and paper, than voting in any of the fucks running for office. Thankfully, Bernie is holding his own pretty well. He's a bit socialist for me, but he's probably gonna get my vote. Who knows.
How different would things be had we heeded Eisenhower's ominous warning back in '61?
Regardless, I remain a cautious optimist. I think we are waking up. Although I feel it cannot happen fast enough. I long for progress to happen more quickly, and trickle up to the bureaucracies asap.
Regardless, I remain a cautious optimist. I think we are waking up. Although I feel it cannot happen fast enough. I long for progress to happen more quickly, and trickle up to the bureaucracies asap.
Those are always the last to be effected by growth, change, and progress, and yet hold the most power.
If I could, I would scrap the entire House and Senate, and start fresh with people under the age of 45.
It's time for the old ways of Military and Corporate control of America to end.
Before another 9/11 happens, and/or we destroy the fragile ecosystem of this planet any further.
May those who were affected by this travesty find love, peace, and serenity. <3 <3 <3
Canyon High,
Coming of Age,
Creative Writing,
High School,
Military Industrial Complex,
Short Story,
William S. Hart
Thursday, September 3, 2015
New Poem - "Insatiable"
Fresh out the current "Black Book" - which actually has a pink/gold plaid pattern on the cover hehe - I present this piece to you, just written yesterday :)
Hope you enjoy!
Thanks so much for reading!!! Poetry and free writing are such great ways for me to process some of the heavier things in life and get stuff off my chest :)
Don't let the Haters get you down. Keep on keepin' on with yo' bad self <3 <3 <3
*Love & Light*
Renata Carmen
Hope you enjoy!
words still burn
poison in my ears
do I rid myself
your ill intent?
bent on destruction
loves broken down company
all the rest
the Haters
to put me down at my best
are like fire
won't get too near you again
of concern you'll burn
hunger that never ends
don't see
long as you only
and never Give
will remain Insatiable
as long as you live...
Thanks so much for reading!!! Poetry and free writing are such great ways for me to process some of the heavier things in life and get stuff off my chest :)
Don't let the Haters get you down. Keep on keepin' on with yo' bad self <3 <3 <3
*Love & Light*
Renata Carmen
Saturday, August 29, 2015
B.B.M.F.F. - Belated BadMofo Friday - Neil Young! :)
This post I would like to highlight a personal hero of mine - Neil Young! <3
I've been listening to this dude since the womb (literally) and got to see him perform for the first time recently in Essex for the launch of his Monsanto Years tour. It was a life changing experience that still brings tears to my eyes when I recall it, but I'll be writing more in detail about that concert later, along with Mr. Young's current fight to aid Vermont as it undergoes a major lawsuit from the shady, scary powerful big corporate alliance known as the "Grocery Manufacturer's Association" - Mansanto and Starbucks being the primary companies within this group currently under his attack.
First, I want to focus on Neil Young as a person - what makes him tick; who/what made him the powerful, loving soul that he his today; how his creative process works. Right before going to see him play up by Lake Champlain, I heard an enlightening interview he did with Howard Stern at the end of 2014. I learned a lot about Neil that I never knew before.
And now I love him as not just a musician, but a human being and role model too.
He is, indeed, and Bad Mofo!
And now I love him as not just a musician, but a human being and role model too.
He is, indeed, and Bad Mofo!
They talked everything - from Mr. Young's survival of and recovery from childhood onset polio; the trauma of his father abusing his mother and then abandoning the family around the time Neil was 12; flunking out of high school; his influences and struggles as a budding artist; various bands he has played in, and musicians he's rolled with; what it was like to live with Rick James, be recorded by Smokey Robinson, and hang out with Charlie Manson; his personal values and philosophy and how those tie into his work, a description of his creative process that I think any creative type would find beneficial, even a fun little tip on how to manage paranoia induced by cannabis/altered states! One that this 17 year long consciousness explorer had never heard before. ("Chew on a few black peppercorns.")
I was very inspired by Neil Young's insatiably positive attitude and perceptions about life, the world around him, and his role in it. He is prolific as an artist, and incredibly passionate about the causes he cares about - causes which resonate greatly with me and I think many young people today. The man has seen, overcome, and continues to manage a lot of shit (one of his children has Cerebral Palsy), and has somehow come out of it without harboring any bitterness or resentment. He has a huge "heart of gold" and I feel like he is a great role model for anyone, especially those who may be going through a hard time or facing some sort of challenge (where's my Spoonies at? Much love to ya'all!).
Here is a link to that interview (just audio). Below are my fave quotes.
Hope you find Neil Young's story and philosophy to be as inspiring as I have!
Should you want to learn more about him, Neil has co-written several books, the latest of which came out around the time of this interview, called "Special Deluxe" - a book about his love of cars, and pursuit of alternative energy sources for them (he's a gearhead too! I just love this man!).
Should you want to learn more about him, Neil has co-written several books, the latest of which came out around the time of this interview, called "Special Deluxe" - a book about his love of cars, and pursuit of alternative energy sources for them (he's a gearhead too! I just love this man!).
"I'm working for
the Music, that's my job in my head. I've always felt that was
something that was given to me, and I have to give back to It."
"Everybody's family has something in
it...These things happen to everybody...Not that particular thing [physical abuse] happens to everybody, thank God, cuz that's not what should happen,
and the less of that we have the better off everything is, but,
still, things happen, and everybody has the things they
remember in their childhood that they wish they hadn't
seen...something, there's something not perfect about everyone's
childhood, you know."
"Music turned me into myself. I just
love being able to disappear into the music."
"[Creativity/Art] It's an accident, it's a
gift, and I never question it. I always, whatever I'm doing, if I
have an idea I'll stop what I'm doing and do that...The idea is, Do It. You never know when, if you don't do it when it comes, it's a Gift. If somebody gives you a gift, do you throw it down and keep on
going? No, you stop and check it out, and you say “Thank You”, or
whatever, and treat it nicely. You don't want to scare it away or
treat it with disrespect. It's like an animal, it's like a beast or
something. You have to be nice...That's why I like to record things right
away. So that I get it, before I start thinking. I don't wanna think,
I just wanna do it...And then when I start to roll, the first time it
comes out it's the right one." (Not sure if this resonates with other artists, but this is exactly how my creative process flows, was very cool to hear - at least for my poetry. Journalism and other forms of writing usually require extensive editing, they don't just "come out" like that.)
"You don't want to judge it [your art], Howard. It's a Gift. You just do it, and
later let other people judge It. There's plenty of people to do that,
you don't have to go very far and you can find them."
"When you play music you have to come from a certain place
when you're doing it, and everything has to be clear, you know. You
don't want to disturb that. I mean, I don't. I like to keep the love
there. And if the love isn't there, you don't wanna do it."
“Be great or be gone.”
"It's about the weather, Howard. Some days you got it, some days you don''s the Cosmic Weather, you can't always have it, which makes you appreciate it so much when you get it. And that's what life is all about, it's so beautiful the way it keeps changing."
“Find a way to make a living that makes you feel good.”
“Focus on the good things.”
“I'm not a hater. I want to be a lover, I want to love, I want to see what's good.”
“I'm going to do what I can do with the rest of my fight to make the change I wish to see, to turn the Earth around.”
After discussing Neil's interest in Charlie Manson as a musician:
Howard: If you had to spend a day recording
with either Charlie Manson or David Crosby, who would you pick?
Neil: That's a great question. I don't
know, I'll have to think about that one. (Laughs)
On addiction and drugs:
"It's a matter of wanting to [quit].
If you try to stop something that you want to do, that's an internal
struggle that you really never will win. But if you don't wanna do it
because you decide you don't want to do it, then it gets easy...I
didn't want to stop because of all the death...I got really tired of
waking up that way and not thinking and just hurting myself over and
over and I was getting older. It was just a thought process just led
me to the conclusion that it was probably not a good idea anymore."
On his book, “Special Deluxe”, Neil's love of cars and the enviornment, and advocacy for alternative energy sources like solar and cellulosic biofuel:
H: This is a book of cars, right? You
love cars?
N: Yeah!
H: And yet, you're an environmentalist,
and cars pollute the environment, so you're torn, right?
N: Well, that's kinda what the book is
H: What are we gonna do about this?
N: We're gonna change it...It's so
sad, what's going on. Since 1950, we've lost 90% of the fish in the
ocean, and doubled our own population. Since 1970, we've lost half of
the wildlife on the planet. So, if you take those same numbers and
put them into the future and realize we're actually doing more damage
now, and look at our leaders [decisions]...Obama just opened up the
Gulf of Mexico to fracking and just gave all the rights away, I don't
get the sentience in that...
H: Who's going to change this?
N: It's gonna be people like you and
me, Howard...We have to be aware of what's going on, and talk about
it, and know that there is a lot that can be done...You don't focus
on the negative, you focus on the positive and how much love you
still have for this planet and that you can enjoy things and don't
get angry about it, but realize that if the USA is the leader of the
free world, why is it we're saying we can have maybe 2% solar
energy by 2020 and Germany has 50% renewable energy right now,
with the same sun and the same
H: Why is that?
N: It's because of
the leadership in this country, more than that, it's because of
Corporate Control of Democracy, thru things like the Citizens United
Act, which we just voted down yet it's still there because the
majority wasn't big enough. So in America it's hard to make a change
against the corporate powers that are in control of us. They control
all of us, everybody that we elect, they're all tainted. Why do we
have Hilary Clinton, when she was Secretary of State, going around to
Europe to convince the little European countries, “Oh, don't get
your oil from Russia. We give you this fracking technology and it's
really great and you can frack and get your oil and energy right out
of the land.” The thing is, that, this is what's going on – these
are our Democrats, okay, these are the people that are supposed to be
'the savior'...and the Democrats are the ones who just opened up the
Gulf of Mexico to fracking like the gulf doesn't need a break.
H: Are there a
politician or group of politicians that you actually like?
None of them are empowered by the system that is here now to do
anything other than take money from corporations and be controlled. I
don't know of one politician that isn't controlled to some degree by
the amount of donations from corporations. That's who paid for the
campaigns. All these laws are wrong. They made it legal for
corporations to be people.
Corporations are not
people!...The things that we don't know, I mean we talk about climate
change, and we're doing more damage to the earth with all our
wars...but if you want to find out, hey, “Freedom”, you can't
find out what the carbon footprint is of the military...I don't like
war, I think it's all about energy and I think it's gonna end up
being about water, because we're using it all up...We outta just
start getting smart and use what we have. Renewable energy. There's
energy from the sun! Hello! It's right there! If you don't put a hat
on it can burn a hole in your head. It's something there, let's use
it...And start using our plants, not to take away our food, but
cellulosic ethanol and cellulosic biofuels that are actually from the
waste of making food,
that can be fuel, all this stuff can charge electricity, that can do
all kinds of things it can charge batteries, whatever without fossil
fuel. I drove my car all the way across from San Francisco to Ft.
McMurrey, Alberta, to NYC, without using any gasoline.
Robin: So you had it
N: I rebuilt it,
yeah, and I screwed it up and burned it down to the ground, and built
it again.
H: So it can be
N: It
can be done, absolutely. A 6300 pound car, a Lincoln Continental '59,
the heaviest damn longest craziest car you ever saw – I drove
across the whole country without any gasoline. Remember America,
places like Germany are 50% renewable today.
It can be done, with leadership. We don't have the leadership we need
and it's very disappointing that they're all working for
“We don't have a consumers when it comes to fuel...if we had the choice, we could make
things happen."
H: How do you know
so much about all this?
N: I am studying
this because it is really is a matter of life and death for millions
and millions of people.
H: You care.
N: (Voice cracks) You're damn
right I care. That's all I do. That's all I can do. I'm a famous
person, what am I gonna do? Am I gonna relegate myself to People
Magazine and some tabloids? That's not me. I wanna do something good
and if I can't do something good I'll probably die trying to do
something good. I've got nothing else to do. What else could be more
rewarding? Nothing.
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cover from his self titled studio album released in '68 |
Thank you so much for reading!
Who are some of your fave Bad Mofo's, and why?
*Love & Light*
Renata Carmen
Cerebral palsy,
Chronic Badass,
Neil Young,
The Monsanto Years
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
A few nature pics, notes about some things to come here on the blog, plus, "Flutterby" - A New Poem
Hello there!
It's been longer than I prefer since I've last posted on here :/
Between the Neil Young concert my man and I were lucky enough to attend a few weeks ago upstate, being a heat sensitive person in the peak of New England summer (woah, humidity!), and the sudden drop in temps we've had over the last week (WTF, signs of Fall already? Winter is coming! Ah, Rural Vermont Life), along with a few other health issues I won't get into, I have been pretty laid low.
"Low on spoons" as they say ;)
But, I'm back on my feet, caught up on a major freelance project I've been trying to hammer out for some time (Shameless self-plug: Go get a subscription to Auto Restorer magazine!), and am very excited about everything that is happening right now, including posts for this blog that I've been wanting to get out for some time.
A preview of what's to come:
- A write-up about the Neil Young concert, and the Monsanto/Starbucks/Grocery Manufacturer's Alliance lawsuit against the state of Vermont
- New Product reviews! - UV Clothing, UV Parasols, Collapsible Canes, and other "Spoonie" friendly wear/aids
- The last part of my series about my mental approaches to managing life with chronic illness
- New B.M.F.F.'s - "BadMofo Fridays" - Where each week I'll be highlighting various people who inspire me
- A new series about who I am, and how I manage my Fibromyalgia thru Diet and Lifestyle
- Completing a series I started a long time ago about how I manage seasonal allergies, colds, and flus using natural remedies that actually work (something that has plagued me since I was born, and have a ton of anecdotal and scientific evidence for)
It's moving more slowly than I'd prefer, but I'm learning how to work with the Fibro and become a better integrated artist, entrepreneur, and person every day.
And that is all that matters.
And now, a new piece of poetry I wrote over the last few weeks.
I was in a bit of a haze when it came out, and looking at it now, I am still not completely sure who or what this is about. It could be one of a few matters I've been trying to work thru, or a combo of them.
Either way, it's pretty, if I don't say so myself :)
Enjoy, and thank you so much for reading!!!
It's been longer than I prefer since I've last posted on here :/
Between the Neil Young concert my man and I were lucky enough to attend a few weeks ago upstate, being a heat sensitive person in the peak of New England summer (woah, humidity!), and the sudden drop in temps we've had over the last week (WTF, signs of Fall already? Winter is coming! Ah, Rural Vermont Life), along with a few other health issues I won't get into, I have been pretty laid low.
"Low on spoons" as they say ;)
But, I'm back on my feet, caught up on a major freelance project I've been trying to hammer out for some time (Shameless self-plug: Go get a subscription to Auto Restorer magazine!), and am very excited about everything that is happening right now, including posts for this blog that I've been wanting to get out for some time.
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Driving Upstate Vermont in Late Summer is a glorious experience! :) |
A preview of what's to come:
- A write-up about the Neil Young concert, and the Monsanto/Starbucks/Grocery Manufacturer's Alliance lawsuit against the state of Vermont
- New Product reviews! - UV Clothing, UV Parasols, Collapsible Canes, and other "Spoonie" friendly wear/aids
- The last part of my series about my mental approaches to managing life with chronic illness
- New B.M.F.F.'s - "BadMofo Fridays" - Where each week I'll be highlighting various people who inspire me
- A new series about who I am, and how I manage my Fibromyalgia thru Diet and Lifestyle
- Completing a series I started a long time ago about how I manage seasonal allergies, colds, and flus using natural remedies that actually work (something that has plagued me since I was born, and have a ton of anecdotal and scientific evidence for)
It's moving more slowly than I'd prefer, but I'm learning how to work with the Fibro and become a better integrated artist, entrepreneur, and person every day.
And that is all that matters.
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Fall colors are already starting to show in the mountains up here in New England |
And now, a new piece of poetry I wrote over the last few weeks.
I was in a bit of a haze when it came out, and looking at it now, I am still not completely sure who or what this is about. It could be one of a few matters I've been trying to work thru, or a combo of them.
Either way, it's pretty, if I don't say so myself :)
Enjoy, and thank you so much for reading!!!
When you
your cherry stained mouth
Do you
ever doubt yourself too?
If it
came out that I wasn't strong
could I
accept this from you?
You, who
can do no wrong
you, who
always belong
Living Summer
flutters along
And I
wither in her path
Living Summer
flutters along
I'm not
bitter or anything
sometimes, The Wrath is still strong
Fresh as
a stove-top burn
scorched me so many times
the scar
tissue almost covers the fine lines
of Time
upon the
facade is paper thin
but this
is a battle I cannot win
matter how much I rage and foam
Living Summer she flutters and roams
as I
look on from this gilded cage
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*Love & Light*
Renata Carmen
Chronic Illness,
Chronic Pain,
Holistic Health,
Light Sensitivity,
Patient Reviews,
Product Reviews,
Seasonal Colds,
Symptom Management,
Saturday, July 11, 2015
"Canyon Fiend" - A Love Poem
A fun one I started a while back and finally finished today.
I guess you could say I'm in the mood because I'm well enough to go downstairs tomorrow and start restoring the Celica Supra again ;) Yay!
Enjoy the Gearhead Poetry!
I guess you could say I'm in the mood because I'm well enough to go downstairs tomorrow and start restoring the Celica Supra again ;) Yay!
Enjoy the Gearhead Poetry!
you rev my engine
out my starter
I can't take any more
drive me harder
terrains I never knew
got my alignment all askew
till we see red and blue lights
you know how to move me just right
hit the canyons tonight
Thanks for reading!
*Love & Light*
Renata Carmen
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"Kaizen" aka "Kiki", our gorgeous 1982 Toyota Celica Supra P-Type 5 Speed <3 |
Friday, July 10, 2015
BMFF - Bad Mofo Friday - Louise "Landspeed" Noeth
Starting something new on the blog! :)
Every Friday, I am going to talk about "Bad Mofo's" - people who I find really inspiring.
Today, I would like to draw attention to an amazing woman I can't believe I've never heard of before. I learned about Louise "Landspeed" Noeth recently while catching up on the Cars Yeah Podcast, where she is described as "a storyteller known for taking complicated subjects and making them entertaining and educational. She founded LandSpeed Productions in 1984 where she provides film and TV consulting, photography, writing, graphic design, and more. Her award-winning works have been published around the world. Dubbed 'LandSpeed Louise', she concentrates on land speed racing and people who do extraordinary feats by designing, building, and driving fast cars, trucks, and motorcycles. She’s one of the few women journalists in the automotive field who’s also comfortable and competent behind the wheel."
A few other traits/accomplishments that make Louise noteworthy:
- She is over 50% deaf, and it was loud exhaust notes that first drew her to cars because of the resonance (I have a soft spot for people with illness or disability, "Chronic Badasses", in case you didn't notice)
- She was first published in Automotive Journalism back in 1980. I started my automotive career in the mid-2000's, and the industry still was/is permeated by the MadMen, "No tits in the pits", bigotry mentality. I can only imagine what the fuck she's overcome during her career!
- She started her photojournalism career as an artist painting pinstripes on cars, then learned to drive, then to wrench, and started writing/taking photos along the way. She is one of the few other female gearheads I've found who not only can fix anything on a car and drive it, but can write and create visual art as well. I have found a female role model doing almost exactly what I want to do! How awesome! Most of my role models are male.
- Louise worked with the Federal Government to help phase out the use of Leaded Gasoline, and implement updated safety regulations for suspension. She also helped the automotive performance and journalism industries integrate changes created by Federal Emissions Control Implementations in the late 60's/early 70's.
- Louise worked with the Federal Government to help phase out the use of Leaded Gasoline, and implement updated safety regulations for suspension. She also helped the automotive performance and journalism industries integrate changes created by Federal Emissions Control Implementations in the late 60's/early 70's.
- She helped Team Vesco set the International World Record for the Fastest Wheel Driven Automobile (Over 458 mph! This record still stands, btw. Whose up for the challenge?)
- She has numerous productions and publications under her belt, is working on her second book, has had a monthly column in Goodguys Gazette for over 12 years, and recently became a Chief Judge for the International Automotive Media Competition - an organization striving to set a higher standard in automotive related journalism/media.
- She has numerous productions and publications under her belt, is working on her second book, has had a monthly column in Goodguys Gazette for over 12 years, and recently became a Chief Judge for the International Automotive Media Competition - an organization striving to set a higher standard in automotive related journalism/media.
- On top of all these amazing contributions, Louise Noeth is a pilot, too!
A quote from her website that really resonates with me and gets me fired up for my own work:
Unlike most journalists, writers, photographers, artists, and publicists who focus on only one, or perhaps two disciplines, LSL noticed that she could get editors to give her more assignments if she could provide words and pictures — photographed or drawn.
“The hard part was convincing them that I could deliver quality in both areas, because my skills came from ‘on-the-job training’,” she adds, “I’ve never had any formal, academic training, just an overwhelming abundance of enthusiastic curiosity and I’ve discovered that, occasionally, I can whup a hot shot PhD in this news game. I create solutions.”
I love this woman, and am so inspired by her!
Here is a link to the episode of Cars Yeah I learned about "Landspeed Louise" through, with a few quotes below that stood out to me from the interview. The podcast is only about 30 minutes, perfect for listening to while taking a lunch break, commuting, doing a tune-up, getting your hair get the picture :) Enjoy!
A quote from her website that really resonates with me and gets me fired up for my own work:
Unlike most journalists, writers, photographers, artists, and publicists who focus on only one, or perhaps two disciplines, LSL noticed that she could get editors to give her more assignments if she could provide words and pictures — photographed or drawn.
“The hard part was convincing them that I could deliver quality in both areas, because my skills came from ‘on-the-job training’,” she adds, “I’ve never had any formal, academic training, just an overwhelming abundance of enthusiastic curiosity and I’ve discovered that, occasionally, I can whup a hot shot PhD in this news game. I create solutions.”
I love this woman, and am so inspired by her!
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Just some major journalism awards. No big deal ;) |
Here is a link to the episode of Cars Yeah I learned about "Landspeed Louise" through, with a few quotes below that stood out to me from the interview. The podcast is only about 30 minutes, perfect for listening to while taking a lunch break, commuting, doing a tune-up, getting your hair get the picture :) Enjoy!
"I don't have any training...I essentially took my artistic skills...and used them as a springboard..."
"Don't judge my abilities by your limitations."
"Always look for a place to put that plane down if the engine quits...Don't put your complete trust into someone, because they might let you down, and you may not see something...I became more circumspect. Not that I didn't give 100% when necessary, but I always had a way out."
When speaking of her involvement with Federal Legislation phasing out leaded gas, and suspension safety and emission controls -
"That was big because that effected 100's of thousands of people that I will never meet in a positive way."
"If you wanna play, you gotta pay."
"When you get a test car, wash it yourself...because you'll learn more about the car by washing it, then you will driving it."
When asked about a personal habit that contributes to her success -
"It has to be voracity, and details. To never short-shift the reader and the viewer...I can piss off an editor with no problem, but I never want to do that to my readers and my viewers."
"What you do for others, lasts longer, stays stronger, than anything you'll ever do for yourself."
I hope you enjoyed learning about "Landspeed" Louise Noeth!
What Bad Mofo's get you really inspired?
*Love & Light*
Renata Carmen
I hope you enjoyed learning about "Landspeed" Louise Noeth!
What Bad Mofo's get you really inspired?
*Love & Light*
Renata Carmen
Cars Yeah,
Chronic Badass,
Land Speed,
Landspeed Louise Noeth,
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